Friday, December 10, 2010

Blog vs Essay

             By: Morgan, Brian, and Joseph

             Blogs are personal writing projects that usually is made up posts where the writer can write about anything. Traditional essay writing is more limited to a certain topic and based more upon information than the personal opinion of the writer.  In blog writing the writer can write more freely than in traditional essay writing. In blog writing, it tends to be more conversational to the audience. The blogger is not worried so much about the grammar as they are in connecting with the reader. In blog writing, there is no need to use paragraphs. The blogger can use abbreviations or their own dialogue.  In blogs there is no MLA format, or Work Cited page, making it less formal.  When you’re working on a blog, it’s normally a group effort, as in traditional essay writing it’s an individual project. Blogging is not towards a specific audience as traditional essays are.

            Traditional essay writing is more formal and directed towards an argument you have on a specific topic. Essay writing is writing to please one set of readers instead of a broad set of audiences. Traditional writing always has a specific format to follow, and the writer has to worry about proper punctuation and grammar usage.

Ivory, Soto, Torres

What are the differences between blog writing and traditional essay writing?

Audience concerns in blog writing are to me less thought out than when I am writing a paper for a class, but obviously when writing a blog and posting it more people are going to read it than just one or two people that would read an essay, therefore when writing a blog the audience is more important than writing an essay. In the type of paper I would write for a class who I am writing to is a main part in how I word my thoughts. With a blog the writing is more general.  But you have to keep in mind when writing a blog that anyone of any age can read your blog, although some bloggers don’t care about what the audience thinks about their blog they just care that people are reading it, either way the audience plays an important role in blog writing.

The difference between the format an essay and blog is an essay is going to more formal than a blog. Blog writing’s construction is less important to the content being posted. I do not tend to use paragraphs but thoughts are still thought out and separated with punctuation and line breaks. In a school paper nonetheless when you use a quote in a paper it takes just as long to site it properly as it does to incorporate the quote. Blogs are more based on what the writer wants to talk about rather than a topic discussed in an essay therefore I think that people that blog are more passionate about what they are writing. There is more freedom in blogging and in the format because it’s more personal and you’re not being graded on what you are writing. Because you aren’t graded you don’t feel as much pressure when writing therefore having more freedom in your writing.

Working collaboratively on papers can be limiting in your writing. It is hard to convey you thoughts about a subject because you think about how they’re writing will go along with yours.  So in many ways our writing starts to resemble one another’s writing although our ideas my stay very different the way in which we say them adapt so that our ideas flow together more efficiently. The good thing about writing in a group is you can incorporate all the member’s ideas into what you are writing. But I think most people would agree that it is definitely easier to write alone rather in a group.

Differences in Writing

By Jessica Kamp and Brandon Jaworowski

When writing a traditional essay or blog, there are certain things to consider. First, you must consider your audience. For blog writing, your audience could be anyone. Friends, family, coworkers, strangers. Anyone can read a blog. Because of this, a blog reaches a broad scope of people. You can't write to appeal to a certain type of person because many types of people have access to the blog. In traditional writing, you're typically writing for a certain audience. If you're a doctor, you're writing for the medical field. If you're a student, you're writing for your professors. This means that your audience is smaller and reaches a smaller scope. In traditional essay writing, you can attempt to appeal to one type of person. Your writing is tailored to the people who will be reading it.
Second, you must consider the structure and mechanics of your writing. In a blog, there are less restrictions on structure and layout of the writing. Since it reaches a wide scope of people, there is room for artistic interpretation and individuality. You can write how you choose to express your thoughts. In traditional writing, there is more structure that must be followed. Since you audience is less broad, there are more established rules that determine good and bad writing. The way you present your ideas and arguments must be clear and follow a definite structure.
Finally, you must consider collaborative writing if you are writing with another person. For both blog and traditional writing, collaborative writing requires working together and sharing ideas. It requires patience and an open mind to hear another person's ideas and thoughts. It is easier to write together in a blog because there are less restrictions and guideline to meet. It is more individual writing. For traditional writing, it is harder to write together because you have to consider the guidelines and rules of traditional writing.
There are many differences between writing a blog and a traditional essay. It is important to consider these differences when writing.