Monday, September 20, 2010

D.on't U.nderstand I.t

By: Morgan, Brian, and Joseph

What is everyone's worst fear while driving home "under the influence"? Obviously, the most devastating would be an accident and injuring or killing someone. A close second, however, is being stopped and investigated through a field sobriety test. Our group found this viral video which seems to be a normal traffic stop made by an officer of the law. This embarrassing video should discourage future offenders.

The video begins with a female police officer stopping an individual and beginning to conduct a sobriety test. At first, it seems quite normal and nothing seems to be out of the ordinary. She has him touch his nose with each finger and walk a straight line, but that is where normal and "ordinary" stops. The officer asks him to say his ABC's from z to a backwards, which actually means to say it forwards. The man actually manages to say it from Z to A. Next, she has the individual do an assortment of dance moves and forms a dance routine. The man is able to do this perfectly choreographed dance without any trouble and even adds his own moves into it. The police officer is able to trick him with a question about him being a dancer.

This is not a real police stop. It comes from the satirical cop show "Reno 911", which parodies the other cop show, "COPS". The beginning could actually looks like a real police stop to someone who has never seen the show but this illusion is broken when the crazy antics start which are well-known on the show.

1 comment:

  1. What do the crazy antics achieve? Does this scene complicate our ideas of drunk drivers? Does it somehow make fun of dash cam videos and their popularity? In other words, what does this satire mean?
