Friday, December 10, 2010

Blog vs Essay

             By: Morgan, Brian, and Joseph

             Blogs are personal writing projects that usually is made up posts where the writer can write about anything. Traditional essay writing is more limited to a certain topic and based more upon information than the personal opinion of the writer.  In blog writing the writer can write more freely than in traditional essay writing. In blog writing, it tends to be more conversational to the audience. The blogger is not worried so much about the grammar as they are in connecting with the reader. In blog writing, there is no need to use paragraphs. The blogger can use abbreviations or their own dialogue.  In blogs there is no MLA format, or Work Cited page, making it less formal.  When you’re working on a blog, it’s normally a group effort, as in traditional essay writing it’s an individual project. Blogging is not towards a specific audience as traditional essays are.

            Traditional essay writing is more formal and directed towards an argument you have on a specific topic. Essay writing is writing to please one set of readers instead of a broad set of audiences. Traditional writing always has a specific format to follow, and the writer has to worry about proper punctuation and grammar usage.

Ivory, Soto, Torres

What are the differences between blog writing and traditional essay writing?

Audience concerns in blog writing are to me less thought out than when I am writing a paper for a class, but obviously when writing a blog and posting it more people are going to read it than just one or two people that would read an essay, therefore when writing a blog the audience is more important than writing an essay. In the type of paper I would write for a class who I am writing to is a main part in how I word my thoughts. With a blog the writing is more general.  But you have to keep in mind when writing a blog that anyone of any age can read your blog, although some bloggers don’t care about what the audience thinks about their blog they just care that people are reading it, either way the audience plays an important role in blog writing.

The difference between the format an essay and blog is an essay is going to more formal than a blog. Blog writing’s construction is less important to the content being posted. I do not tend to use paragraphs but thoughts are still thought out and separated with punctuation and line breaks. In a school paper nonetheless when you use a quote in a paper it takes just as long to site it properly as it does to incorporate the quote. Blogs are more based on what the writer wants to talk about rather than a topic discussed in an essay therefore I think that people that blog are more passionate about what they are writing. There is more freedom in blogging and in the format because it’s more personal and you’re not being graded on what you are writing. Because you aren’t graded you don’t feel as much pressure when writing therefore having more freedom in your writing.

Working collaboratively on papers can be limiting in your writing. It is hard to convey you thoughts about a subject because you think about how they’re writing will go along with yours.  So in many ways our writing starts to resemble one another’s writing although our ideas my stay very different the way in which we say them adapt so that our ideas flow together more efficiently. The good thing about writing in a group is you can incorporate all the member’s ideas into what you are writing. But I think most people would agree that it is definitely easier to write alone rather in a group.

Differences in Writing

By Jessica Kamp and Brandon Jaworowski

When writing a traditional essay or blog, there are certain things to consider. First, you must consider your audience. For blog writing, your audience could be anyone. Friends, family, coworkers, strangers. Anyone can read a blog. Because of this, a blog reaches a broad scope of people. You can't write to appeal to a certain type of person because many types of people have access to the blog. In traditional writing, you're typically writing for a certain audience. If you're a doctor, you're writing for the medical field. If you're a student, you're writing for your professors. This means that your audience is smaller and reaches a smaller scope. In traditional essay writing, you can attempt to appeal to one type of person. Your writing is tailored to the people who will be reading it.
Second, you must consider the structure and mechanics of your writing. In a blog, there are less restrictions on structure and layout of the writing. Since it reaches a wide scope of people, there is room for artistic interpretation and individuality. You can write how you choose to express your thoughts. In traditional writing, there is more structure that must be followed. Since you audience is less broad, there are more established rules that determine good and bad writing. The way you present your ideas and arguments must be clear and follow a definite structure.
Finally, you must consider collaborative writing if you are writing with another person. For both blog and traditional writing, collaborative writing requires working together and sharing ideas. It requires patience and an open mind to hear another person's ideas and thoughts. It is easier to write together in a blog because there are less restrictions and guideline to meet. It is more individual writing. For traditional writing, it is harder to write together because you have to consider the guidelines and rules of traditional writing.
There are many differences between writing a blog and a traditional essay. It is important to consider these differences when writing.

Monday, November 15, 2010

The Cyber Anti-Bullying Campaign

By: Morgan, Brian, and Joseph
Our mission is to combat the destructive nature of bullying in the Cyber world by providing compliments to those who have simply had a bad day and deserve kindness. We pledge that we will do everything in our power to make facebook and the rest of the World Wide Web a place where everyone, from bloggers to surfers, will not have to fear their comments and posts being cut down by those who wish they were clever enough to have written it in the first place. People who do not have anything pleasant to say and would instead rather be hateful have no business in being a part of the group. We are not trying to exclude anyone from joining for that in itself would be hateful.

Do you date like a man? Or a woman?

Ivory, Soto, Torres

According to Myreah Moore in her book Date Like a Man women need to stop dating just trying to find a husband and start dating more like men and have more fun dating. In her book she explains why and how men are the “Master Daters” and why women should take their techniques and use them against them. Men are ahead in the dating game for several reasons; they love themselves, they are confident at any age, they are independent, the list goes on. The point is, women are always thinking about where it’s going and what they are doing wrong and right. In her book Moore explains that in order to beat men at their own game women have to understand how they think and operate. Men and women are completely different and so are their ideas about love and relationships, this is how so many people end up heart-broken and alone.
Of course this is taken from a generalized point of view of the way women date. Not all women date like that, but a majority do. This is why Moore wrote this hoping to make that number go down. Her goal is to make women love themselves just as much as men do and also to help the majority of women that are not as independent become independent. Moore aims to give women the confidence in dating that they lack.
Now let’s take dating from a guys point of view:
As the only guy in my blog group I'm the only input on the subject of dating from the male point of view. When I get a date as any guy I'm looking for a good time. That's all I see first dates as, a way to have fun and see if it’s something I would like to pursue, if not I move on. However if a second date does happen there are certain things I start to look for, the most important is what would my mother think of her. The rest I usually judge later on. But for me I see dating as a way to figure out what I would want in a wife. I'm not looking for a wife right now obviously but dating is a way to see what criteria you would want in your spouse. Guys do date differently though most guys like to chase the girl but only for a certain time after a while it gets old and we give up. That brings me to the crazy obsessive girl also known as the clinger. The clinger is every guy's worst nightmare, at first sign of a clingy girl it’s time to cut and run. I don't know why but a lot of girls tend to be this way some worse than others.

Of course people are different there are a select few that date completely different. Maybe there are women out there that date like men, and maybe there are men out there that tend to have their dating style like that of a woman. It all depends on the person. But you can’t help but take what Moore said in her book and realize that most of it is true. As stereotypical as it is it could most definitely come in handy as well as help the women out there struggling with their dating. Maybe women do need to stop being so serious about their dates and start having fun and be more confident in themselves. Or maybe men need to get more serious and stop losing the arrogance that most tend to have. Or maybe we will never find a solution to this and this is just the way things will always be.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Brandon Jaworowski Jessica Kamp "The WAR on Big Tobacco"

Ous was assigned to finding an alternative way to solve and issue in society. We think we came up with a pretty good one which attends to the Big tobacco companies and all te people they kill each year by having them smoke and using other tobacco products. I have one idea and it is quite simple. We always talk aobut how we are at war with big tobacco companies and that they are winning and just keep doing what they do and kill more and more each year. Well how about instead of just going to war with big tobacco we go to "WAR" with big tobacco companies. We are talking aobut pretty much declaring war on big tobacco and all of there companies factories and workers. That can end the total discussion about what to do with them. We could simply tell them were going to war and have them get prepared because we can't just go in and attack them now that would be slaughter we need to give them an equal and fair oppurtunity. So we saw give them one month to prepare then it is fair game. We would just send our troops to watch over there buildings and whenever they move we strike. Our we could make it less open and kidnap one of their workers and just disguise our own to go in and be secret agent. He could easily plant some explosives around the buildings and they wouldn't stand a chance. We could take them out in no time. There are other ways we could easily send a couple fighter jets to just bomb their buildings and watch them crumb. We can watch as they try to fight back or honestly give up and end this war that is killing millions of people every year. Their products are KILLING people, we have to end it. we would gladly sacrifice their lives for all of the ones we would save from killing them. Or hopefully they just give up and no blood shed has to happen and they can just surrender and stop production. We hace devised multiple ways to end their tyranny. We can not have them continue what they do, it is killing mothers, fathers, grandparents, grandmothers, sisters, brothers and killing teens. We have to end them! A simple boycott/ isolation would go a long way to, if we just camped outside their buildings and waited till they ran out of supplies they would have to make a simple choice starve or die because we wont let supplies in and they would have to run out sooner or later. These people are already ahead in the battle killing millions every year. It is about time we turn the tables on them and slowly take them out month by month and end their corruption!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Sexting is an issue.....maybe.

Tangie "Two Names" Lambert and Christina Horn
Sexting is an issue…..maybe.

Sexting has become a strong issue in the United States lately and has caused ginormous problems. Children being teased, taunted and hurt, and killing themselves and what not….sad. So I propose a solution to the shock that teenagers get while opening their cellular device and seeing a naked body of a student classmate. My proposal is that upon enrollment in to a high or middle school you take a nude picture of your child and on the first day of school it will be mass produced and given to every student to minimize shock. Brilliant I know and it will reduce all issued that sexting has caused!  Why be embarrassed these days about your body? Back in Woodstock they willingly showed it and was one with each other and showed what their parents gave them to feel at peace. We have an issue people…we can either (A) Walk around saves recourses and  supplies comfort…(B) Submit nude photos on our facebook’s and allow the world to see!!....or (C) we submit to this modest proposal which will address a number of issues. :0)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Campaign Week

By Jessica Kamp and Brandon Jaworowski 

As the time for political elections comes closer, campaign ads litter the local tv channels. In the majority of these ads, politicians use all types of ways to persuade voters to vote for them. Yet most of the time, they don't follow ethical guidelines for their argument. In order to be ethical, arguments should present both positive and negative aspects, use typical events rather than extraordinary events, use qualified sources of evidence, use evidence in the right context, and not use weird or obscure statistics.

In one of David Vitter's campaign ad, he accuses his opponent of favoring illegal immigration and shows some evidence of the way he favors this. He shows people throwing a big welcome party for illegal immigrants when they cross the border. This party is supposedly thrown by his opponent. He then tells viewers of the way that his opponent voted on bills about illegal immigrants. He ends the ad by saying that he does not support illegal immigrants. If he is elected, he won't support them.
 In his ad, Vitter does not provide support for his claim that his opponent favored illegal immigration. He does not give a credible source which makes his argument weaker. Also, he exaggerates the context of his argument. Just because his opponent supports illegal immigration, that does not mean he would throw them a welcome party. Basically, Vitter does not follow the ethical guidelines for arguments and weakens his appeal.

The Ethics of Politics

By Morgan, Brian, and Joseph
When we watch political ads we want to know about issues that matter, not who can sling more mud. Our group viewed two different ads that were examined for ethical evidence. The two ads are Racism in America - Dan Fanelli Political Ad and Whitman: "Why I came to California" .

In Dan Fanelli's Ad the ethical sense of the ad is severely lacking. It begins with two Middle Eastern men speaking in an Arabic Dialect discussing how the United States legal system will protect them if they are captured. As the two continue to talk Dan Fanelli comes into frame and begins explaining how he will keep men like this "out of the courtrooms." He then classifies a tied up man who is wearing a Keffiyeh, Arabian headware, and has a bomb strapped to his chest as a "terrorist." The Ad is quite stereotypical and racist. He says that all terrorists are middle-aged Middle Eastern males and that Caucasians cannot be terrorists. There are no facts in the ad either, just the opinion and perspective of a congressmen. His perspective and what he believes does not line up with main stream political thought. He has no proof that all terrorists are Arbanian. The ad is implying that if we make sure no Middle Easternian indviduals are allowed on airplanes that we will be able to fly safe.

The second ad is also a political ad but promotes the candidate in a different way. It begins with Jerry Brown's opponent Meg Whitman saying how California was better 30 years ago. The Ad continues by saying that Jerry Brown was governor 30 years ago and it tells what he did during his governorship. The ad presents facts and information about the economic status of California 30 years ago. It is not ethical for skewing the truth in Meg Whitman's statement and makes it look like that even she would vote for Jerry Brown. The revelancy of California's economic status 30 years ago is not that important to its current status.

Democrat Daisy TV ad for 1964 Presidential Campaign - Soto, Torres, Ivory

The Democrat Daisy ad begins with a little girl picking flowers and counting the pedals as she pulls them off one by one. A deep intense male voice starts counting down and an atomic bomb explodes and “Vote for President Johnson on November 3” comes on the screen. This ad uses pathos appeal to help try and persuade the viewer to vote for Johnson if they want to live in a safe country. The ad implies that if Johnson isn’t elected that our country would be at risk of getting bombed. This ad is unethical because he uses a child to try and scare parents and other adults to vote for him. In the ad it says “We must love each other or we must die” meaning that if we don’t come together our country will not survive. He isn’t truthful about it, an explosion can happen to any president out there. By voting for him there is a chance he could stop an atomic bomb from going off, but he isn’t the only one who can do it. He has no evidence to prove that he could indeed stop an atomic bomb from going off.

Friday, October 29, 2010


Christina Horn and Tangie "Two Names" Lambert


The campaign advertisement is for Nobody, literally, Nobody.  This is a spoof since a campaign ad is always directed towards a specific person running for an office of some sort. The ad consists of the head of a cartoon pig that is floating in mid-air and delivering a message.  The background is just white at the beginning with just the name “Nobody” and “The Dismembered Party” on the screen.  Then an image of the American flag with the word ‘nobody’ in front of it fades into the frame.  ) “Nobody” talks about how Washington would be so much better if “Nobody” was elected into office.  “Nobody” claims he is a genius and can solve all of Washington’s problems.   He says he is neither a “do-nothing lackey with a hillbilly wackadoo or an obstructionist nay-sayer with an inexperienced ideolog” and believes we need to throw them all out.  He is running for every available office in Congress and wants the viewers to imagine how accountable the president and a handful of senators would be if there was no place for them to hide and “Nobody” was to blame.
This ad appeals to neither republicans nor democrats.  The ad aims toward the        people in between or against politics in general.  Having “Nobody” run for office gives these people the curiosity of what it would be like if nobody ran.  The people with that mindset would enjoy this because chances are, they don’t vote anyway and don’t care about real political campaigns, so watching this spoof would almost give them a sense of false hope that maybe “Nobody” would run for office. This advertisement is effective in the sense of sarcasm and humor.  Also, in making a stand in politics without actually standing for anything.  The ineffectiveness comes in the fact that “Nobody” stands for nothing; he has no viewpoint on issues.  This ad is just a joke because everybody knows that people look for politicians that stand for certain issues and can represent something.  Therefore, it would be impossible to have “Nobody” in office.

So when the next elections come up and you dont know who to vote for?....VOTE FOR NOBODY and all our problems will be solved.


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Using Evidence Ethically by Kerri Courtney, Anna Prichard, Blake Jackson

1. Tell the Truth: The truth is much more better than lies. Telling lies is like giving the people a kick in the private area.

2. make sure you have actual facts: your facts should help you prove the point you're trying to make, but it doesn't work if you have what I call "Sloppy Facts" (not accurate).

3. have the right information:  make sure the source where you found your information are accurate sources.

4. Use certain events: you may use certain events that happen to you or events that that happen in general to prove your point, but not always.

5. Don't hide any evidence: never hide any evidence even if it is against your argument. Don't try to hide evidence just to make your argment sound better.

Using Evidence Properly

By Brandon Jaworowski and Jessica Kamp

1. Present both the positive and negative aspects of the evidence.
      *You should present both sides in order to appear neutral and unbiased. Only showing the positive would present a biased point of view.
2. Use typical events rather than extraordinary events.
      *This helps build trust in readers because you're being honest. Typical events could potentially happen while extraordinary events only occur in extreme cases.
3. Use qualified sources of evidence.
      *Using qualified sources of evidence gives credibility to your argument.
4. Don't use weird or obscure statistics.
      *Obscure, weird statistics are not typical and can be seen as a white lie.
5. Use the evidence in the right context.
      *You should present evidence in the context it was intended. You should not take evidence that does not necessarily work for your argument and put it in a context that makes it work.

Rules for using evidence ethically - Ivory, Torres, Soto

Ivory, Torres, Soto

Rules for using evidence ethically
·         Present both sides fairly
·         No white lies
·         Use the evenly shown statistics
·         Present  where the study was done
·         List possible errors in the evidence
·         Make sure your evidence is factual

Present both sides fairly because you have to show the positive and the negative of your argument.  You have to appear to be neutral.

Make sure your evidence is factual. You can’t use false evidence.

Use the evenly shown statistics. You have to appear to be neutral and you can’t emphasize more than on just one statistic.

Present where the study is done. It is important to tell where the study is done because in different places could result in different outcome.

Make sure you list possible errors in the evidence. This is important because you can’t give false information or with hold any information.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Taylor Vazquez, Jennifer Dobie, Amy Hall
As of October 19, 2010 it is raining and extremely windy, and everyone is running for their lives to stay warm and dry. Quite frankly we, the students of Oklahoma State University, believe it is the voodoo work of our arch nemesis, Oklahoma University, because we had an amazing video blog to show every one of you the true spirit and love of the OSU Fans of America that outweighs any other Universities (-cough- like OU…). Plus putting our spirit and morale into words is kind of difficult because it should be experienced and “seeing is believing”, but here it goes.
Currently if you were not aware the week of October 18- 23 of 2010, it is HOMECOMING!! This is when our spirit is on steroids. Currently as I type, I simply want to put this in all caps, but then I realized that it might be a tad over bearing. It is because I am in the current “OSU Spirit Think”. Regardless the students are always in this mode, but I am just hyped from the spirit of homecoming. Now I bet you are wondering, “OSU Spirit Think? What?” Come let’s take a stroll and we will converse about it together. We came to this idea of __Think, and it is the mindset of any certain group that you put in the blank so to speak. We came to realize that Oklahoma State University students have a certain mindset that is completely universal throughout the campus.
OSU Spirit Think 101:
1:  On game days OSU students turn to their primal roots. We get a tad crazy in the stadiums from all of us screaming and cheering to the full body paint and costumes.
2:  Anyone from OSU will tell you, we bleed and cry orange. Just that simple, we were born that way.
3:   We also strongly believe we are born an aggie and we will die an aggie. So I can assure you that my coffin will be orange, I’ll be dressed in OSU attire, and I will have all the football players sign a football and place it in my cold hands, as for my song, the Alma Mater.
4:   Having the Best Tailgating to up our morale is a must.
5:    We over do the orange attire! Like to the extreme.  Even down to our undergarments!!!!
6:    We take the symbol of the finger pistol as a sign of friendship, not gang violence related. Word.
7.       Some people paint their bodies during the whole week of homecoming. Girls tan orange for the spirit of OSU!
8.       We even camp out in front of the stadium weeks in advance from the game.
9.       We break out into the fight song  and Alma Mater even when we are in line to get in 2 hours in advance
10.   Our spirit through out the day is like “High School Muscical” on crack. Yes, we dance and sing on tables, including on the stands.
As I said some of this might sound kind of ludicrous but if you see and experience the pride of OSU, you would understand more in depth.

Oh side note- We will put up the video once the weather turns nice and we can see our campus turn orange

Monday, October 18, 2010

Cyber Bulling

Lauren Guest, Brandon Jaworowski, Jessica Kamp

Cyber bullying is when a person uses technology in order to make threats, harass, humiliate or embarrass another person. This is most common from teens, preteens, and young adults. This kind of bullying is created through the use of technology. As our technology grows, so does the rate of cyber bullying. Researchers believe that kids have turned away from the “schoolyard bully” more and more because cyber bullying is much more convenient and safe. When you are hiding behind a computer screen you have all the time in the world to think of something horrible to say to the other person. However, when you are face to face, that is not the case.
Cyber bulling occurs mainly for two different reason. Most researchers believe that teens and young adults have too much time on their hands, so they see something on the internet and interject themselves and become involved. The second reason is that sometimes, people begin to use hateful words and harass each other in order to “defend” someone else. This causes much more cyber bulling because people then take sides and words are continuously exchanged until one of the groups gives up.
There was a poll taken in 2004 revealing shocking statistics about cyber bulling. According to the study, 42% of kids have been bullied while online, 1 in 4 have had it happen more than once, 35% of kids have been threatened online, Nearly 1 in 5 have had it happen more than once, 21% of kids have received mean or threatening e-mail or other message, 58% of kids admit someone has said mean or hurtful things to them online, more than 4 out of 10 say it has happened more than once, 53% of kids admit having said something mean or hurtful to another person online, more than 1 in 3 have done it more than once, 58% have not told their parents or an adult about something mean or hurtful that happened to them online.
There is no real solution to this problem due to the fact that it is the internet. The only people who can prevent the cyber bullying are the ones doing it. Teens and young adults need to step back and think before they put something in writing. How would they feel if they were the ones receiving that message? If these rates increase, the internet will become a place solely full of hate. Someone must take a stand and help prevent this.


By: Joseph, Morgan, and Brian
      The social networking website Facebook has become the guilty pleasure of many. One could say it has become the new cigarette. Why is it so addicting? What age group does facebook affect or does it affect a certain age group at all? Why do we find it so appealing to update our status or comment about other people’s lives? We want to be connected with others and feel like we are part a group. It affects people of different generations differently. Parents want to check up on their children to make sure they are safe but also just to be a part of their lives. Grandparents and the elderly want to try to stay connected with family members. College students and young adults use facebook as a social networking site, while staying in the loop on whats going on around them. It does not help that there is a plethora of games and apps that seem to distract us from reality.
       When you can talk to anyone anywhere in the world without actually having to meet and speak with them  we are able to connect with individuals across the boards. Communications skills have suffered majorly due to cell phones and social networking sites such as facebook. Although facebook is very informative on what party is happening or whose birthday it is, it defeats the purpose of verbal communication.  Verbal communication allows us to relate to one another and connect more on a personal level. It means more to a person for someone you know to tell happy birthday to your face than to receive the standard “happy birthday” wall post that everyone receives.
    We are all guilty of becoming addicted to facebook. As a group we challenge you to spend less time updating your status and commenting of photos, and spend more of your time elsewhere!!


Soto, Ivory, Torres

In today’s world many people use Facebook for more than keeping in touch with friends. In most circumstances people follow “Facebook etiquette” which are common unwritten rules that users of Facebook abide by. There are sometimes dangerous and annoying things that happen when these rules are not followed.

The term creeping has been coined from the practice of stalking people on Facebook. The sad thing is most all of us are guilty of the practice. This creeping takes place when someone has an interest in someone let it be romantic, curiosity, or something that they are competing over. The creeper will spend hours on this person’s Facebook. It is the product of this creeping that leads to the other problems with Facebook. The act of creeping alone isn’t that bad except that it might make you uncomfortable when let’s say a guy from your government class, who sits three rows back, says that picture of you in Cozumel is really nice. In some case creeping is the most dangerous thing that could happen. You might accidently post something about where you are and the person that is creeping on you would know and possibly pay you a surprise visit. This unwarranted visit would not be one that the person being visited would enjoy.

There are things that people can find on Facebook that can ruin chances for jobs. If the job or someone you are applying against finds some pictures of you doing something that can be construed as negative or detrimental to the company or its image, you probably wont be getting the job. This is unfortunate because you might not have posted the dumb picture from spring break in college but its still there and can be found. There is no privacy on the Internet. Once the image is on cyber space it can be very hard to remove. You may be the most qualified person for a job and very responsible but if the company finds an inappropriate image your entire resume no matter how good it is goes straight ot the trash.

Another problematic thing is that you don’t have control of what people do or say about you on your wall. There are those who don’t follow Facebook etiquette and send multiple annoying requests. These might not harm your image but it can take a long time to sift through these things to find something you might actually care about. But these minor annoyances can quickly take over your inbox and wall. This isn’t dangerous as much as it is annoying. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Facebook Abuse....WAY easier and requires less energy.

Tangie  Two  Names Lambert and Christana Horn!

SOOO you get on Facebook and the moment you pull up your page and the moment you do BAM!.He's gotcha. EVERYONE has a Facebook stalker. You know? That one person that comments or like's all of your posts, pictures, and status's? That one person that everytime you log on you know has messaged, commented, or like's you or somethhing you have said or said something pertaining to how much they miss you. By this time your kinda annoyed and you ask nicely to stop. For a few days they stop and you can focus on "Gearing up for Friday to go hang wit ur BFF Gillian." Fun right? you say your going to the Skating ring and then when you and Gillian get there BAM! he's there. "I didnt message you on facebook so i thought you would appreciate meeting in person hi...Im your own personal fan club president!"   After this little stunt your fuming and you delete him from your friends list.....days have another delete...and nother delete and the next time a message comes..."Please dont be angry! Your mom thought it would be a great idea! Why are you angry...OH and by the way she thinks we are dating and that would be totaly awesome if we were." Is this wrong on so many levels? YES .....yes it is. Because why would you damn damn near about IS stalking....well stalk someone just because your their friend? I  (Tangie) have one of those and i gotta say its quite annoying since he puts the most random things on ur page. Is it harrassment? Kinda since he wont leave you the freak alone!!! GOD its like child support!!! It keeps comming back to get you and wont stop til you are sitting on the floor with your head on his lap n his hand rubbing your head saying .."Precious...Precious...."

Monday, October 4, 2010

Preacher Bob

Soto, Torres, Ivory
Preacher Bob is a man who goes to different college campuses to “preach” for a living. His method of preaching however is slightly different from average. His goal when he goes to these college campuses is not to change anyone’s mind or get anyone on his side, it is to try to make someone mad enough to punch them so he can sue them and make money. Yes, this is his full time job. But does his argument style actually work? Yes and no, the reason behind it is to make money and he has done that but he doesn’t exactly make people agree with his argument.
On Wednesday September 29th someone like Preacher Bob came to Oklahoma State’s campus and had the attention of the entire student body. Even though his arguments and ideas were ridiculous people still argued and listened to him preach the whole time. So this argument style obviously works to some extent because he is getting the attention of a lot of people. This style of argument is called counter-hetoric. Counter-hetoric is a style of argument that is obnoxious and offensive and usually is trying to emphasize their original point. Using this style of argument Preacher Bob and others like him are trying to pick at areas that people really care about by going to college campuses in the Bible Belt and preaching and offending people. Once they know they are offending the students and becoming "popular" and widespread with their outrageous and offensive ideas and manor of "preaching" them, they then know they are doing what they set out to do. Their manor of arguing seemed to change people’s views, but not in a way to make them believe or not believe him but to make them not really listen to his words. In a sense he psyches people out of believing him even if they actually do believe him.
                In conclusion I think that this counter-hetoric, Preacher Bob’s style of argument, is effective because it gets the attention of people he wants attention from. To prove the point that it works, this could not be his full time job if it didn’t work. If Preacher Matt was to come back to Oklahoma State’s campus I’m sure he would again get the attention he came for.

Ethical Teachings?

By: Audrey, Morgan, and Sam
In “Selling Safe Sex in Public Schools”, it talks about Shelby Knox, a student at The University of Texas at Austin, who has pledged abstinence until marriage. Being from Lubbock, she was shocked to find that Lubbock had some of the highest rates of STDs and teen pregnancy in the nation.  Knox decided that she wanted to help out her community not by just sharing her pledge of abstinence but by helping others who didn’t necessarily make that choice that she did. This article is very interesting in the fact that despite multiple people going against her, Knox decided to stick to what she wanted to accomplish. Knox felt like she was responsible to speak out to others, and got no help or attention from others. Knox began to head the youth commission, and overall with the program STD and pregnancy rates in Lubbock started to decrease. However, even with this decrease, she still faced criticism, and the mayor of Lubbock ultimately ended the funding for the program. As the program diminished, the STD and pregnancy rates once again started to increase. Even though she has resigned from the program, Knox still continued her work, and hoped to be able to further reach out to teens, even though what she was doing was still very controversial. 
 Our Group believes that what Knox was trying to do ethical in that even though she had pledged to be abstinent and she was in a subject where most people aren’t necessarily making the same decisions, she’s doing it for the good of others. She still has personal experiences to share with others, and she did in fact obviously make some sort of an impact on teens with the decrease of STDs and pregnancies. It seemed unfair for Knox to be getting criticism from her community, even though she was abstinent, because it was for the greater good. Since she did grow up a Southern Christian, it was brave of her to go against her beliefs and the views and feelings of others towards her work just to help out these teenagers. Overall, even though she faced criticism she did the right thing for the goodwill of her community, and hopefully will be able to continue to reach out to teenagers facing problems. 

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Brandon Jaworowski Jessica Kamp Tangie Lambert

This weeks blog time I would like to discuss the highly debatable topic of brother or preacher Matt who was here at OSU on 9/29/10. He was here to "spread the word of the lord". However when you do some research on him and his minitry you find out that he is simply here to make a quick buck. He goes from campus to campus to piss college students off and in other words try to prevoke a fight. Than when that happens he can sue the school, the campus police and the student. He can make a ton of money if it ever happens. Now I know i am not here to talk about him but i just thought you all should get a little background information on him before i began talking about his for lack of a better word argumentive strategy. He would get to a school and began trashing its students. He would just insult the students walking by calling them whorish or an alcoholic or a idiot or just plain stupid. Than when it came to an argument about the lord, he said he was preaching the word by telling us what the lords wants but he would just make fun of us and tell us all the stuff we did wrong and how we are all gonig to hell cause of this stuff. He went out on a limb and didn't stop to think who he was insulting. A member of our gay community at OSU said "he was not nearly as bad as the other types of preachers we have had here at OSU". Which gets me to think how much worse can it get to someone that he is really insulting. Do these people actually talk what he says to heart? Why would someone want to do something like this to someone they do not even know and probably could get along with but does not take the time to and just bashes them every chance he gets. Preacher Matt was able to stirr up quite a crowd on library lawn, he managed to have people dance around him and manage to insult everyone even people that could call themselves die hard christians. At one point a girl went out and told him to shush, she than began to explain how not all christians are like that and everyone began to cheer. Than suddenly the man interrupted her and began yelling out "oh yes, not all of you are like me and that is simply why you are all going to hell, you all think it is all right now, that jesus is your gangster, homeboy but you all do not know what is really going to happen". He never took a chance to listen at the other side of the arguments when he was with someone he would simply forget it and just say you do not know what you are talking about your just simply dumb and a easy fooled teenager. His argument may not be the most effective to get someone to follow him but his goal was not that but to get someone to assualt him. His goal was not accomplished. I am glad that it was not, looking back i would not want saomeone like that to get the satisfaction of gaining money for a college just by arguing and cause a ruckus and insulting people, it is just not right to me. My group agreed, we did not want to see him succeed in anything, we all agreed his tactic of arguing was not successfull but we all do see him coming back to OSU and trying this again in the future. We will all be ready once again.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Twenty Something Too...Much?

By Christina Horn & Tangie Lambert

Everyone on the Stillwater campus has been to or at least heard about the convenient store the "Twenty Something Two", but have you ever compared the prices from there to say...Wal-Mart?  A box of Corn Pops Cereal at Wal-Mart is priced at $1.50 for a 12 oz. box.  Guess how much at the 22 something 2? $5.99!!!  That's 4x over the price at Wal-Mart!  No wonder our Meal Plans swiftly disappear.  Everything is over priced here on campus.  We know they have to make money to, but not at the expense of ripping off the sterotypr of the "poor college student".  What happens to the students that need groceries but don't have cars to take them to Wal-Mart or any other grocery store? Are they just at the mercy of over-priced products?  And when their Meal Plan is low because of the unnecessarily high prices, what are they supposed to do for food?

Monday, September 20, 2010

D.on't U.nderstand I.t

By: Morgan, Brian, and Joseph

What is everyone's worst fear while driving home "under the influence"? Obviously, the most devastating would be an accident and injuring or killing someone. A close second, however, is being stopped and investigated through a field sobriety test. Our group found this viral video which seems to be a normal traffic stop made by an officer of the law. This embarrassing video should discourage future offenders.

The video begins with a female police officer stopping an individual and beginning to conduct a sobriety test. At first, it seems quite normal and nothing seems to be out of the ordinary. She has him touch his nose with each finger and walk a straight line, but that is where normal and "ordinary" stops. The officer asks him to say his ABC's from z to a backwards, which actually means to say it forwards. The man actually manages to say it from Z to A. Next, she has the individual do an assortment of dance moves and forms a dance routine. The man is able to do this perfectly choreographed dance without any trouble and even adds his own moves into it. The police officer is able to trick him with a question about him being a dancer.

This is not a real police stop. It comes from the satirical cop show "Reno 911", which parodies the other cop show, "COPS". The beginning could actually looks like a real police stop to someone who has never seen the show but this illusion is broken when the crazy antics start which are well-known on the show.

Fantasy verus Harsh Reality.

Taylor Vazquez, Amy Hall, and Jennifer Dobie
Daydreaming is a regular thing for majority of people. A place in your mind that you escape to from everyday life, but I think it would be great to actually escape to my fantasy and simply vacation and view it for a week or three. And of course, I found my solution without having to invent a time machine. Colonial Williamsburg a place where I can connect to my inner eighteen century side which sounds pretty un-freaking-believable! Which of course sadly, I have to say this whole entire time it is only an amusement retreat, where they take you on a journey through their version of history to evaluate our fantasy dreams and keep things “G rated”, but we also have to think of what the reality of the 1700’s. Take for example their advertisements, in the brown colored themed the black male dreams to build the town with his hard work skills. Funny, let us view back to our history books please, in the 1700’s blacks were slaves and had no rights, and I do not remember reading about any free blacks riding no their free will to America. The fact that his man is actually dreaming to give up his freedom to build homes for a master seems very unrealistic. Side note- If you look in the corner picture, you see a black man and his son. Notice anything odd? They are extremely clean for slaves, just saying. That master must be in to appearances since they represent him and his wealth. Another is the homeowner doing some yard work in her front lawn. “A gardener of the royal governor…”, so she gives up being a homeowner to a servant for someone just because she has this abnormal love for her hydrangeas which of course are the pride of Virginia. Now my favorite one, the purple themed ad with the very gorgeous Asian lady, She romanticizes being sailed off to the New Land where a rich man starved for love courts her and they end up married because he is not afraid of commitment. Okay one- she would be the mistress because two- she is not white. Three- her family is not wealthy. Four- no one married out of love. Sorry, the reality of the 1700’s is harsh, yes I know. Of course daydreaming is the use of your own creative imagination where actual history does not matter. Now all I have to say to Colonial Williamsburg is, keep it up. You are doing such a fine job of twisting history to match our fantasies, so you can stick your hands in our nice fat wallets. Dream on my friends… Dream on.

Billboard Advertising

By: Soto, Torres Ivory

How is it that while still driving down a highway people still seems to always notice billboard advertisings? The effectiveness is astounding. With bright attention grabbing colors and graphics someone can’t help themselves but watch in awe.
For instance, Lamar Advertising Company is one of the biggest advertising companies out there; providing us with some of the “best” outdoor advertising, offering bulletins, posters, transit shelters, benches and buses. Lamar uses some of the best advertising techniques making their ads impressively effective. The plain and simple approach they have made the ads noticeable, as well as the innovative graphics. The creativity in the graphics and logos are key to making the ads effective and persuasive.
One of the ineffectiveness with billboards is that it can be placed in low traffic areas where no one will see them. Another ineffectiveness is having great graphics but no purpose or no significant product or service that it’s supposed to be selling. Making the ad a fail, or just having many drivers confused.
For the most part, Lamar does indeed have effective and persuasive ads.

Come to Colonial Williamsburg! Or Should You?

By: Hannah Deem, Keana Roets, and Max Mortson

This week, our group is writing about an ad we talked about in class. This ad was in three parts, all advertising Colonial Williamsburg, in Virginia. The first part shows a woman tending her garden while fantasizing about what her life would be like if she lived in the 18th century. The next part shows a woman sitting on a couch while thinking about what it would be like to fall in love in that time period. The last part shows a man sitting at a table eating and thinking about what his life as a slave would be like in the 18th century.
All of these ads are in a template format. They have cool color schemes to catch your attention, and the same phrase “The colonial me…” along with interesting personal stories to draw you in. The ads try to make you feel as if you would be incomplete if you never went to Williamsburg.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Big Political Debate

By: Brandon "Jersey" Jaworowski, Lauren "The Predicament" Guest, and Jessica "Kandi" Kamp

In politics, there is a never-ending feud between the Republicans and the Democrats. Each side is quick to point the finger at their opponent. After all, the blame always falls to one side, right? And emotional appeals to spur on action against the other side are thrown in your face all the time. When it comes to politics, one side is always wrong and the other is quick to point it out.
            For example, look at a chain email claiming that Obama inherited the deficit from himself. In the email, the author discusses the issue of the huge deficit that Obama inherited. He claims that the Democrats argue that Obama inherited it from Bush. Since Obama was a member of Congress during the Bush Administration, he voted for the proposed budget. As the author tells us, budgets come from Congress, and the Democrats have been in control of Congress since January 2007. Because of this, Obama inherited the deficit as a result of his own voting. The main point of the email is to stir readers into action. It aims to encourage people to be upset about this twisting of the truth and pass on the message: The Democrats are lying.
            But let’s take a look at the facts. Contrary to the author’s claim, budgets start in the office of the President and then sent to Congress for approval. This small fact changes the tone of the argument. Instead of all the blame belonging to Congress, as the author suggests, both the President and Congress are to blame for the huge deficit. The author also makes the generalized claim that since the Democrats took control of Congress in 2007, whatever Obama inherited was a result of his own voting. But we know that the government is a complicated process, and a statement that generalized gives no concrete evidence to support it.
            In short, the email relies on emotional Republicans to send it on. When it is broken down into strictly the facts, you can see that it is littered with half-truths and generalized statements that challenge its credibility. It relies on the emotional aspect that will stir readers into action. In reality, the facts are slightly different. So the next time you want to join the political debate, remember to check your facts and present them accurately. If not, your credibility is challenged and your comments disregarded.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Does Medicine really help???

Bullshit about how GREAT medicine works.  They say that a certian medicine will be the best thing since sliced bread and how it will cure eveything but it's a lie. You get this one med and its supposed to cure lets say a joint problem. You listen to the commercial and listen to the music and let the pretty colors and pictures fool you because its pretty. But what you dont hear are the words that are spun fast as hell at the end of the commercial. You know the one that tells you how the drug your taking is in the end possibly worst than what is really wrong with you???? Have you ever thought abouyt that???? Just pure and utter bull to try and actually succeed to cool america. WOW Katt williams basically said that....but in a crude funny way lol!!!


By: Brian, Joseph, and Morgan

In our English Composition class we reviewed Dr. Frankfurt's interview over his literary marvel, "On Bullshit", which reveals the application and style of Bullshit. Bullshit is not lying, but is not using the whole truth to persuade your audience. One, who uses the Bullhockey, utilizes it for his own personal gain whether it is fact or fiction; he only wishes to further his own agenda.

Our group decided to view a commercial over the home security company, Brinks. The whole purpose of the TV spot was Bullbutter. It starts with a man walking down the street of a peaceful neighborhood. He seems to be an ordinary man out for a walk. He seems to be calm and even smiles at the departure of one of the residents of the neighborhood. The situation changes when no one is watching and the "thief" goes to work. He throws on his hood and kicks in the front door of a random house. The alarm sounds, which scares the would-be crook away, and immediately afterwards the frightened woman receives a call from the operator.

There are several points in this commercial that are complete Bovine Stool. What burglar robs a house in broad daylight? That makes no sense at all; that is the worst possible time of day to rob a home. He also makes eye contact with an inhabitant of the neighborhood, which should make it quite easy to provide a description. He should have just given the guy his driver license and social security card. Also the woman happens to arm her alarm seconds before her home is raided. Why would you turn on your alarm in the middle of the day, while you are home? The commercial wants you to believe that all crooks are stout middle-aged men who try to force their way in the front door. It doesn't show the sleep deprived meth-addict knocking on the door for 30 minutes, who just wants a quick-fix.

Our take on the topic of bullshit as told to us by Dr. henry Frankfurt

Soto, Torres, Trenton:
Bullshit is not a lie or a true statement. Bullshit only is used to promote the bullshiters own personal agenda. We see bullshit every day whether it be in political ads of just every day marketing. The selction for the entry is from the 2008 presidential campaign is an example of such bullshit. 
The opposing Political group is not even claiming that they are Communist. they know that the average person will know that this is from china and that the "Little Red Book" is a bad symbol. In Dr. Frankfurt's book, he is stressing that Political and large company ads are all bullshit. That politicians all have a reason behind what they bullshit about, whether they notice they are doing it or not. The reason Dr. Frankfurt is stressing it is not to call an end to bullshit but to only make us aware of what bullshit is and when someone is bullshitting us.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Axe My Behind by ( Team 2) "THe Girls & Blake.jackson.

Last week our comp 1 class watched am interview of Harry Frankfurt, a professor from Princeton University. The interview was over what he thought about Bullshit. He states that no one understands the definition of Bullshit, why there is so much of it or what purpose it serves. Frankfurt also states people pride themselves on havingthe ability to recognize Bullshit, and being able to get away with Bullshit. Our example of Bullshit are those misleading Axe body spray commercials.

Axe ad campaign tells viewers that their spray and body wash, will make woman pay attention to even the average joe. The commercials demonstrates women simply flirting with random men. Later, it comes to the points the women are attaking the men. These commercial are mildly funny, but are a great example of Bullshit. It is Bullshit that you can smell a mile away. The company gives off this insane idea that if you spray axe all over your body, even a fat, lazy, and bald man could have women chasing after him. That message is Bullshit with all of the letters capitalized( BULLSHIT).

In reality, women are not going to jump all over a strange man just because he smells good. Well at least not a normal woman wouldn't think about it. A man would be lucky if a woman just complimented him on his odor. Some women even argue that Axe body spray and wash smells terrible and have a strong scent. That is the opposite reaction the campaign wanted. Maybe sooner or later they'll realize that they are full of Bullshit!.

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Monday, September 6, 2010

Its Jersey Babyyy

By: Brandon "Jersey" Jaworowski, Jessica "Kandi" Kamp, and Lauren "The Predicament" Guest

On Wednesday, our Comp 1 class watched an interview of Harry G Frankfurt and his take on bullshit. Frankfurt claims that bullshit is the bending of the truth and the bullshiter may not even know if he/she is even bullshiting. Bullshit does not care about what the actual truth is, and it is all motive based. After watching this video our class assignment was to find a video, article, or situation that we thought was bullshit. After much thought, we decided to inform the world of the bullshit that is Jersey Shore.

Jersey Shore is a show produced my MTV. It is supposedly about a group of people who are all guidos and guidettes from New Jersey. However, we are here to tell you that this is incorrect. Only one of the members, Sami "Sweetheart", is acutally from New Jersey. The rest of the crew is from New York. Not only are they not from Jersey, but some of the epsiodes were not even filmed in New Jersey. The second season causes even more controversy because the setting is in Miami. There are rumors that Snooki and the others aren't even Italian. This does seem to create a little problem because they all believe and claim to be guidos and guidettes, or bennies if you say. This is a pure example of bullshit, because we are not sure if MTV even cares that the cast is not from New Jersey. Obviously, they do not care that the show is called Jersey Shore but they record episodes in multiple other towns. Even the whole second season is in MIAMI. As you can see, their motive is to encourage people to watch their show and stay connected to their network.

You may not care that we are talking about this, but this is one great example. We know that these people are not lying nor are they trying to convince you that they are real Jersey Shore inhabitants. However, we do know that they are more focused on getting a profit from selling Jersey Shore t-shirts, DVDs, and anything else. I can tell you from personal experience that, being from Jersey, the whole town of seaside has changed. Everywhere you look on the boardwalk now has Jersey Shore this or Jersey Shore that. They are merchandising it the best they can. It is probably doing really good for the shore economy, but there is a point where it is too much, like when people walking down the streets of Seaside are gelling there hair up to look like Pauly D or when you see a girl or two or ten with the Snooki poof.

However, I can tell you that we really enjoy the show. When I came over here from New Jersey, I talked to my floor mates and realized that they all loved Jersey Shore too. Now we get together to watch the show. However, many of them did not even know that less than 1/8th of the people in the house are even from Jersey. It just shows that we do not care what is going on as long as the show is interesting and eye grabbing or different, and that is exactly what the show provides. So the next time you hear a couple say that they are getting together to watch the show or if you hear someone quote somebody from from the show, ask them if they really know where the cast is from. If they say the Jersey Shore, of course, then tell them the truth because they will probably be shocked.

Friday, September 3, 2010

[Insert Introductory Post Here]

By: Mr. Spruill

[Insert Blog Here] is so democratic that we allow the reader to think of his or her own name for our blog. We are Mr. Spruill's 2:30 English Composition class at Oklahoma State University. We hope that you will find our blog to be an entertaining and elightening place. We will focus on exposing the rhetorical devices used in everyday texts like ads, speeches, pictures and so on. Subscribe to us!